You use chocolate as a positive enforcment for what you think is good behaviour

God morning. I strongly tried to get my butt out of bed at nine but it insisted on staying there to around ten. Since then, I actually put some clothes in the washer machine, called and confirmed a meeting and opened an excel document for my Spancom clients... I have to be out of the house around 12:40 so hopefully I will mangage to get something more done. Right now, I'm eating breakfast and searching seriesyonkis for anything good that I haven't seen.
Quote - Big Bang theory, Lenoard to Sheldon about him giving chocolate to Penny.

Btw, took this picture last Saturday, a bit early?

Written by: Britta

A bit early - jo visst, men här på Lidl har de börjat sälja julgodis redan!

2009-10-08 @ 16:52:33

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