About me

Me, myself and I
Okey, so for those who just found my blog, for those who been reading for a while and wonders and for those who know and still haven´t really figured it out. I´m gonna tell you about who I am and why I´m writing this blog. (Honestly, I just want to be famous, but let´s pretend there´s a nobler cause) I´m 26 (yeah, sure... and acting like I was 20, but as they say, you are as old as you feel) and I currently live in Malaga.
So how did I find my way here? Well, in fall 2008 I went, as a last resort of youth (before all the grown up stuff have to kick in), to the U.S. Little did I know that I would found myself a boyfriend. I certanly didn´t mean too, I was just having that fun everyone speaks of.

Life crisis
It is not entierly true that I followed Mr. M here (that´s what I call him, my boyfriend that will say). Mostly I just didn´t want to go back to Sweden, to friends who moved all over the place and started a new chapter in their lifes, to a huge student loan and a working enviroment that is anything but friendly. Being with Mr. M came in handy, he´s still in school so I decided to try and move here.

Oh, well, then
At first, it didn´t really go well at all, but as a stroke of luck, a Norwegian company emerged and wanted me to work for them. Awesume. But by January this year, the company had been laid on ice, due to the economic crisis (got to love that thing).

Still on that life crisis
So, what did I do. I had saved up some money and got some extra from my mom so I decided to stay and finally enroll in a language school. That is what I am doing now. Learning Spanish and still trying ot be 20- something.

Why should you care?
You don´t have to care. I would be more than happy if you do, but you don´t have to. The reason why this blog came to life is not entirely to get your interest (let´s just pretend that, okay?).
In the U.S I took an independent course in bloging. I´ve always had an interest for writing and ever since my first membership in an online community, web design has been in my interest as well. Bloging is a way of combining these two interests. And, atleast for now, I feel that I´m actually going through something that may be interesting to read about.
If not, atleast my mom backs me up and says it is fantastic ;)

Why English?
Due to my year in the U.S I now have friends that doesn´t speak Swedish. I want them to be able to read my blog. It is as easy as that!

Written by: Hanna

På tal om att inte ha koll. Jag visste inte att du hade slutat jobba. :P Hur kan man vara så disträ?

2010-03-09 @ 21:25:25
Written by: Britta

Bra uppdatering! Jag tycker nästan att du kunde skriva ännu mer om vem du är, för okända läsare. Fast å andra sidan kanske du inte vill lämna ut mer än nödvändigt om ditt liv, det är ju din nuvarande tillvaro som du skriver om.

Du behöver inte ursäkta dig för att du skriver om dig själv i din egen blogg... Vi som läser är intresserade av att läsa om dig och de som inte bryr sig behöver inte läsa! Fast jag förstår hur du tänker!

2010-03-10 @ 09:04:45

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