For one, because he's lost
Español es un idioma muy facil
I think I got that right, I'm not sure... but Spanish is hard. I recently discovered that Swedish doesn't have an ing-ending that English does. Spanish has it aswell and now, it really pays of, knowing English. Then I have two languages to compare with and then understand better. But it is a lot with the verbs. Another thing I thought about is that, when it comes to communicating, verbs and nouns are most important, then comes the pronouns (is that right?) to make it sound right and then the adjectives to be able to express something. But for basic communication, vers and nouns are most important. Please correct me on this, if I'm wrong (which we know that I never am ;))
Crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap
... is what I said this morning when I missed both the buses I need to take to get from Mr. M's house to the language school. It doesn't help that the rain is pouring down either. I hate it when my feet are cold and wet and when I mostly wear converse, that is definitly the case when it rains. I've been so lucky so far with the buses so I guess I've been wearing it out, so now, when I actually need to be lucky, I'm out of it. The bus seem to always have just gone when I get there, hence, I lose ten minutes here and another ten min here. Sure, now, you're thinking that, why don't I look the bus sceduele up and go in time for the bus to departure, rahter than just go. But, there's no such thing as a bus sceduele, there's a frequency, 10-20 min depending on where the (f-ing) construction works are, so there's actually no way of knowing. But, for now, I'm up around eight and I don't think that is too bad for someone who have gone up around ten for the past year or so. I'm gonna get to the early bird, in time, in time.
Still raining
As I said, it is still raining, so there's not gonna be too much interesting pictures, but I'm gonna see what I can dig up, and maybe I try to get a picture of the rain, maybe (it's not fun out there)
Because of my bad mood (being cold the whole time) I don't find the will to study, apply for jobs or anything actually usefull. But today, I'm gonna pull myself together and do those things. And, I'm still blogging, so I am far from rock bottom (where I usually end up when there's no will)
Qoute - Darnell (Crabman), My name is Earl