Wanna know my story?
Escuela oficial de idomas
Eat my shorts
Yeeeey, I got internet in my apartment now and I found the first cockroach in my apartment building for this year. (and yes, its dead)
Qoute - Bart Simpson
2010-02-08 @ 15:35:07
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What doesn't kill you makes you stronge. Then you must be the hulk
If anyone needs me, I´ll be at my room
If my heart would have been inside at the time, it would have been fatal
Oh Gravity, thou art a heartless bitch
When I'm sad, I stop being sad and start being awseume instead
Mmmm, beeeeeeer
True story
Who tragically died from complications due to union organizing
Did you pour maple syrup all over your body and asked if she was in the mood for a short stack?
Please reserve that buch spitit for the lanes!
If wishes were horses, I would be eating wish meat every night
I'm sorry, that was just my pre-evil
He's at a sensitive point in his monthly cykel
If I was in your tummy, I'll poo in your throat
I've been trusted to pass judgement upon others
Frostbites took his nose, excellent
D'oh, indeed
Escuela oficial de idiomas
The pilgrims was not ilegal immigrants
I don't care for it either, but it is the social convention