Major buzzkill
I woke up with a swollen troath and decided it would do me no good of going to class, the headace that came with it made me feel that my desicion was right. I decided to stay in bed and try to sleep it of, it didn't work. I know I am the worst person in the world, I can walk and talk and hsould therefore be where I should. Atleast that is how I was raised. I remember my friends in school being mad at me because I was there spreading disease, but what could I do, at that age, it was not my desicion. I had woken up earlier this week, being feeling bad in the throat but it went away as the day progress (and I did go to school, as you know) but this morning it was different. Worse, kinf of.
And I really hoped that I could start running again on Monday... I really hope this is a one day thing.
I'm gonna pay for the trip to Cadiz (for the carneval, more info later), go to the pharmacy (that promote itself as a raveparty, more about that later too), buy a buscard and maybe buy some fruit.
Qoute - Robin and Ted, How I met you mother
Written by: Nicole
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