When I jump, I jump for Earl, I would never jump for Joy
My job
I was working with a company called Spancom, which is a Norwegian website for scandinavian people in Spain. My job was to spread information about them and to get more members. Due ot the lack of members and the economic crisis, the people in charge decided to put the website "too sleep" for a while. I made an evulation that didn't really put the website in a good light. It's all for the best, in the end, I don't want them to spend a lot of money on something that I belive need to be re organized. So i'm not really sad because I didn't really know what to do more and somehow I felt that I disapointed them. But I did as best as I could for the time being.
Language schools
I don't really know if I am accepted yet to take the course. But I think so. I will be certain tomorrow. If I am, I'm starting on Monday. The school I will be studying at is Escuela oficial de idiomas and it will cost me around 60-70€. First I thought about studying at a private school named Lexis but it would cost me up to 300€ for a three month course. Other schools to look at is Malaca instituto and Cervantes. The school I'm at is a state one and it do not offer accomodation (as far as I know) but the three others are private and they offer accomodation and a lot of other stuff. Of course there are companies that can help you, like EF, ESL and Blueberry and there's always the possibility of being an exchange student (a language course at the university is included when you are an erasmus student).
Right now
I'm at Mr. M's house and I'm trying to figure out what I have to do, I always have a long list of stuff I have to do and the more they are, the more I forget about what they are. I am gonna try and take more pictures and upload them. I did so in the beginning and I'm gonna continue. Like the school I'm at, my apartment and all those wierd things they have here (from my perspective). For now, I'm gonna try and get a hold of my mom and check out some mimbot flashdrives.
Qoute - Katalina, MNIE
Btw, my modest thankyous for the compliments
Written by: Nicole
Jag tittade lite på språkskolans hemsida, men jag förstod inte hur många veckor man läste?
Verkar iaf riktigt kul!