Embarrising moments
Yesterday I met with a Swedish girl I met months ago at a friends goodbye dinner. I met her at a teteria (another one) with two French girls (one of them I met before with the friend who left) and it was a compete disaster. My Spanish is far from good, and it is actually no suprise, I hardly do any homework and in class, I'm a big question mark. I know that complaining about it is not gonna make it better, study will (and I will get there) but I felt like updating my blog with a little of personal emotions of mine.
Teteria is like a café but with tees instead. They have coffee aswell but the focus is on te. But, to be honest, it feels like you can get mostly the same things everywhere, the main difference is actually the interior. I don't know anything about interior design but maybe it would be said that a teteria look more Maroccan while a café looks like, well, you all know what a café looks like.
I'm really trying to make friends here. It goes well in quality but not so much in quantity. I know it is my lack of Spanish. At the same time that I feel that I should try more, I feel that I've hardly been here a year and that I shouldn't feel so much pressure. Most of the erasmus students that comes here, has studied the language for years (and actually cared, not like me, trying to get out of it) and are just dying to practise it. I just feel that I want to go throught some grammatical courses and be able to listen and understand a tv- show before I try to master the social conversational skills. Never the less, I feel inbelivable rude when I don't know what to say. And I can stop thinking about all those people demanding that everyone who steps behind the Swedish border should talk perfect Swedish and nothing less. And I think about myself, who refused to call a pizzeria for years because I got so confused with accent they had. I really want to but learning is hard and I have never been good at it.
One of those days
It's not fun to read a blog where the writer seem to do everything to get you into a bad mood. But I feel I need to have one of those days now. A day when I feel sorry for myself and wishes everything would be a lot more easier. It's gonna be different tomorrow.
Qoute - Howard. TBBT