How you doin?
Suit up!
This is gonna be pink suit day (it is more like a dress, in the meaning of sweater and pants being in the same fabric and color) and I'm gonna get a lot of important stuff done, I swear. I've been good the last three days by walking (and sometimes running) seven km a day so I thought that I would do some other good today. Hence the pink suit, now I have to stay where I am (I will not show myself in public in this, but it is awesome at home)
Ready for red hot dogs?
Okey, so the plan for the summer is to work in Norway. The plan for the fall is falling apart. The universuty in Skövde is not a top choice for Mr. M and honestly, there's nothing I want to study there either (I would love to study and have a part time job and not only work full time) A better choice for Mr. M is Denmark. But I have no idea how easy it would be for me to get a job there, and besides, should I and do I want to follow him? I don't know what to do (how's this for giving out personal information on my blog). But I'm gonna decide today.
Blog crazy
As you probably noticed, I've done some changes to the blog and I want to say that I am not finished. The second link in the top right corner is still to be made and I haven't really done anything on the category page (even though I'm not sure if I should have categorys or just create another link and collect all the picture entries underneath that instead). I'm working on it and today, that is on my to-do list.
- But I would like to know what you think?
- Should I have categories or a picture link?
- Is there anything else I should take care of or should add?
- What do you think?
Give me you opinion!!
Qoute - Joey, Friends
Written by: Britta
Både kategorier och en bild-länk, tycker jag! Kategorier är bra om någon till exempel är intresserad av att läsa om... bilder av den heliga Madonnan eller hur man festar i Spanien till skillnad från i Sverige. Länkar, absolut!