Victory is mine
Me and Mr. M went cultural today and went to see the Picasso museum they have in Malaga. I wanted to try and see if I can see what the fuzz is all about. Aperently he's brilliant because he painted like a five year old. I can understand the difficulty with that but I still don't get the point. I don't see it, I am not impressed. If you wonder what his paintings are, here's a google search.
I'm more like a Dalí person, you know, like crazy imagination (kind of like Tim Burton, I'm excited about Alice in wonderland)
Me and Mr. M went to the movies. And as usual the time optimism was excellent. We hadn't even got to the mall when there was ten minutes to spare. I wa convinced that there was no way we were gonna catch the move in time and when I saw the line for buyin the tickets there was no doubt left. But a woman in front of us kindly told us that the ticket window next to this one didn't not have a line so we hurried with the tickets, more or less ran by the ticket man and deicded to skip the popcorn. As we entered the auditorium the movie had started and we had missed the first five minutes. But as we sat down, we relized we were at the wrong movie. They were speaking Spanish and we wanted to go to the English one. So, after a fast desicion, Mr. M went to change the tickets and I went to buy popcorn and as we ran into the right auditorium, the commercial were just about to finish.
It's easy to be a time optimist when luck is on your side.
Qoute - Stewie, Family guy
Btw, We saw Daybreakers