A day of Facebook
Ok, today has been a day of rest. I'm still a bit confused of getting back in Sweden. It feels like I have been gone forever and no time at all. Sometimes I question what is real and not, maybe not that extreme but you know when the feeling of "am I really doing this/ did I really do that" appear.
I have worked a little on the pictures for my article and I have tried to organize myself in my head. Not the easiest task. Right now I feel a little sad because I just found out that two of my friends will not be able to see eachother when they had plan to. I'm not gonna tell their story but it makes me sad that life is so unfair. Life is really unfair and in this case I'm really lucky. It is hard to be away from Mr M and even though we are far away from eachother we are the lucky ones when it comes to the inernational relationships I know about. We are closer than most and there's no barrier for us to go and visit eachother (exept for the money one, but money is always a barrier). I gues the easiest of all would have been to find someone next door but I obviouslt don't like it to make it easy for myself and Mr M, well, he doesn't seem to like it easy either.
When we visited Fuengirola, there was a lot of apartments to rent and as soon as I have my flight ticket, I will dig into that issue. The good thing about today is that mostly (if not everything, done it the right way) can be done at the Internet. My wishes are to find a furnished apartment with internet, that's all I ask.
Tomorrow will be a good and productive day