In Malaga
I have arrived. I didn´t get any sleep last night so after seven hours of car ride and three hours of flight, I am dead tired. It is hot here and I am afraid that I´m not gonna get to much sleep anyway.
I discovered that I fly with and enjoyable fear. Something never feels quite right being so high up in the clouds but there´s something really cool being above the clouds and see the world so tiny.
I landed in Alicante and instead of the greenness of Sweden, everything had an brown- orange color. After that I went by car to Malaga, where I am now. Today has been about nothing and tomorrow I´m gonna go and get me contacts and jeans and then I have no plans until Monday where I´m gonna visit Sydsvenskan. I cross all my fingers and tumbs that I can be of some use to them.
That´s all for now...
Written by: Åsa
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