No job, no fun
As for now, everything is not going that great... I got kind of an job interview but as I expected the fact that I don´t know Spanish is against me. It did feel like he wanted me to get in touch when I do know Spanish, but that doesn´t really do any good right now. So, that´s one paper down. I also got an answer from the Swedish school in Marbella but the told me, thanks but no thanks. I have one phonecall to do while I´m here but that is pretty much it, after that there´s the Swedish radio station but they don´t start until September and the rest of them have not answered me, yet.
I have actually no idea what to do now. I am stuck. I have noone to move here with and jobs are going slow. As I said when I started this blog, I truly hope that I don´t have to close it......