Sentimental feelings
I guess the thing you miss is the last fun thing you did. For me, that is now my year at ETSU, Johnson city, USA. When I first came to US I wanted to return immidiatly, but I wanted to return to what I had before the summer. My life in Karlstad in my dorm and being a student at Karlstad University. i was really comfortable with that life and I didn´t wanna loose that at all. But all my friends were more or less getting finished with their studies and moving on with their life so i had to do that to and going to the US was a way to prospone the grown-up life. Actually, I spend my first three or four days crying, calling my mom, asking why I´m doing this. I also wrote in my blog that I wanted to go home and I don´t see the use of this at all. But time went by and now I´m sitting here, missing my life in US like crazy. I grew comfortable with that life too and now I want to go back there.
The difference is, that i still see and talk to the people from Karlstad, their are my closest friends and even though I don´t see them so often, i know that I´m gonna. I don´t know with the US ones, I saw some of them this summer and I hope in my deepest corner of my heart that I will see everybody again but the chances are really slim. Probably I´m never gonna see most of them again. And that makes me really sad and even more sentimental.
I guess my only way out of this is a new adventure that scares me to death and I´m trying. I´m trying to move to Spain and work with a friend. But today, there seem to be no jobs, anywhere..... th economic crisis is shit. And most of my friends, as I aldready said, has moved on with their lifes and are doing new adventures of their own.
Well, the ones who lives will see what happens