The upphill just got longer...
I just want to make it clear that I don't want a vacation buddy, I want a moving buddy. It's not that I don't understand that people has other stuff they rather do than move to Spain with me. Of course understand that it is scary as hell to just stop their life and go and do something completely else. It is scary, it's really scary. And I do understand that people don't just sit around, doing nothing and waiting for something to happen. Everyone have responsibilities that they can not leave. But please, don't tell me you want to if you don't plan to actually do it...
But I really don't want a vacation friend.
Written by: Britta
Har nästa också dragit sig ur nu alltså? Trist!
Så hemskt läskigt tycker jag väl inte att det skulle vara... men såklart svårt att lämna den tillvaro man byggt upp någonstans.
Med fler bilder kan du säkert locka någon att åka med dig, det ser ju jättefint ut där!