Time runs faster and faster
Finally, I got a job in Sweden so that I can pay for the flight ticket and my stay in the beginning in Spain. I'm busting my ass in the local pizzeria. It was seven years or so since the last time I was there. It is defenitly an experience and the people in this town is a kind of it's own. I'm happy I got that job, cus it's only for a week.
Now I'm at home, out of my pants, in bed and without my glasses. I can't afford getting contacts, yet, and I'm really tired of wearing my glasses. Soon, I'm gonna go on my first trip to Spain and there's still so many things to do. I'm off tomorrow and the day after that and I'm gonna spend that time to take care of all the stuff I decided I need to do.
One of them is to update this blog a lot more :)