In the beginning there was... well, atleast something
Ok, this is gonna be in English. Mainly because that means a lot more work from my side. My stubbornes prevents me from getting a blog from an English speaking site so I have to translate this one. It looks really boring right now, but it is gonna be more fun. As the saying goes, the one who waits for something good, never waits too long.
Of course I'm making this blog in English so that all my friends are able to read it (which they hopefully will too).
I'm gonna post mostly everything that goes on with my adventure in Spain in this blog. Kind of like the U.S blog.
Right now, there is not much going on. I've kind of decided with my friend B that we are gonna go to Spain and look for jobs in September, but not even that has gone to far. I have however applied for three journalistic jobs down there and they have all replied that they don't currently need anyone but they want to meet me. I am looking for more magazines and radiostations in English but it is really hard to find an email adress to write to.
That is basically everything for now, but I'm gonna work on the look of the blog and hope fully there's gonna be more action soon.