But mostly, they are inerupting our partying
It was defenitly too long ago since I worte my last entry. But since then, I mangage to move all my stuff into my room, clean the hell out of it, got in order, went out partying with the apartment buddies, had the worst hangover ever and started a new facebook group in the name of my job.
It´s not a lot but still.
I have pictures that I´m gonna post and the more time I spend in my room, the more time I´m gonna spend blogging. It´s gonna feel a little like U.S. Mostly being in my room, writing my blog and talking to Mr. M on skype is gonna feel like U.S. Then there´s a huge part that doesn´t feel like U.S....
The quote is from Madagascar, if you don´t know it see the movie!!!
Written by: Britta
Gillar ditt nya "tema" med ett nytt filmcitat som rubrik till varje inlägg!