God morning USA, I got a feeling this is gonna be a wonderful day
Down to business....
Intro American dad
- What doesn't kill you makes you stronge. Then you must be the hulk
- If anyone needs me, I´ll be at my room
- If my heart would have been inside at the time, it would have been fatal
- Oh Gravity, thou art a heartless bitch
- When I'm sad, I stop being sad and start being awseume instead
- Mmmm, beeeeeeer
- True story
- Who tragically died from complications due to union organizing
- Did you pour maple syrup all over your body and asked if she was in the mood for a short stack?
- Please reserve that buch spitit for the lanes!
- If wishes were horses, I would be eating wish meat every night
- I'm sorry, that was just my pre-evil
- He's at a sensitive point in his monthly cykel
- If I was in your tummy, I'll poo in your throat
- I've been trusted to pass judgement upon others
- Frostbites took his nose, excellent
- D'oh, indeed
- Escuela oficial de idiomas
- The pilgrims was not ilegal immigrants
- I don't care for it either, but it is the social convention