I think my mushroom just moved
I'm listening to the radio right now, it's really nice. They are discussing the risk of taking nude pictures, when an angry ex publish them online and spread them to friends. That sucks big time, when people don't get their way everything they previously said and promise doesn't mean a thing. Selfish people, I hope I never would turn like that, not that I have any pictures like that on my ex and noone has picutres like that on me so I will never find out if anyone of them would be cabable of doing such a thing.
What makes me a little angry is when other people say, "blame yourself", and I am certain that it is other people, that has never beeen though something like that is saying that and people who publish picutres of themselfes and think that nude pictures is the same thing as a drunken picture (that the person thinks is really, really cool) that doesn't have any understadning of that people is different.
As a journalist I gard the freedom of speech like the right to breathe but there is in fact a law that say that you are not allowed to bring down someones honor (like after someone is dead and that sort of stuff) and I honestly think that if someone spreads pictures of you that you don't want to spread, that law should apply, because if that is not a violation to your honor, what is.. ?
Today I'm making my dreadful calls...
Qoute - How I met your mother