This is gonna be legen- wait for it and I hope you're not lactose intolerant cus here it comes- da(i)ry
I currently have four mosquito bites in my face... doesn't feel to good but what can I do about it, people are probably gonna assume that it's some kind of teenager skin I'm working on, which makes me in the age they think I am in anyway. But the mosquito thing is getting annoying, it never seem to end, every morgning when I wake up, I have atleast two new mosquito bites. My way of dealing with them is to sratch a hole on them, then they start scrathing for a while, not the best method, I know, but they itches like hell.
I was trying to set up my outlook email yesterday and obviously the sultan from hell (microsoft office paper clip help) made everything difficult. So, I'm still working on that stupid email account. It is not that I don't know how to do it, it is just impossible to get to do it and if I do it, the paper clip doesn't agree with that and has to interfere and make evrything complicated. The stupid paper clip is worse than the iWay.
So, I was thinking (wandering around in my mind) when I was doing some dishes. Recently I discovered that I kind of like doing the dishes, (I said recently) cus it gives me some time to reflect over things. And I love reflecting over things. This time I kind of came to the conclusion that intelligent and smart is a confusing thing and according to me, they are not the same. To be intelligent is to have a logical skill (there are different kind of intelligents but this is I guess the first one) and that has nothing to do with being smart. I mean, even an elephant can count but how many would say an elephant is smart? It's like that guy that can talk to the dogs that everyone loves so much, everyone is saying that he is so incredible smart, but I haven't seen him doing a mathcalculation ever. Smart is something that qualify more than just a skill, smart is how you use the skills you have. A smart person uses his/her skills in a good way, while a stupid person kind of don't....
Then I have a theory on why intelligent and smart is confused as the same, but I if I say that, people are gonna stop reading my blog.
Tv- series is one of my favourite things and while others know the bird way to Rome I know what Homer Simpsons say or why a particular punch line is funny. While I don't believe knowing the bird way to Rome ever would come in handy tv- series knowledge doesn't really either provide a useful source of information but I kind of like it and I always srtuggle with what to write in that empty square so I thought, why not use this knowledge to something useful.
The quote is from "How I met your mother" and is currently one of my favourite (even though I think "Big Bang" has the first place) and this is kind of Barneys' motto in the first season.