What did you tell her, she thinks I'm the fucking renaissance
Around eight in the evening Mr. M came around and we had a walk around the city. There's a park acroos the street from the busstop I go from when I go to his place and I wanted to check it out. After we went back and forht in that park three times we decided to get something to eat, so we went ot a tapas bar. I had torro (I think it is) which is my new favourite soup. It is a red very thick vegetable soup and I love it. After that we went back to my place and he had to go to met up with some old friends and I rediscovered the gadgets in windows vista.
Qoute from Black Books, Bernard in his essence
Vista get a lot of crap of everyone (including me, I shall not hide that) but I do adore the gadgets in the sidebar. I've discovered more than once gadgets that I must have. Last time (before the big cleansing, again) I discovered the gmail tells you when you have a mail gadget that made a ring or something when you got a mail in your gmail, perfect for those who rather have their computer tell them when they get an email to the email they actual use and not outlook. This time I downloaded SR gadget (the radiostation in Sweden) that allows me to listen to Swedish radio even though I'm not in Sweden, how awseume is that? And I downloaded a cute little notepad to remember me stuff with :) and a language translator but it doesn't really work to good, when it has no idea what word you just written it just answers you with the same one (so let's say it works like the Bonnier's dictonaries)
Qoute from Black Books, Bernard in his essence
Written by: Mr. M.
You maybe wanna know that the torro is actually called porra xD