I believe in Chocolate and Garlic
today I got an email about my business cards being done... Imagen, business cards, only grownups that try to be something have those. Remember American Psycho? I strongly believe I´m like that, when it comes to paper and fonts, I´m a huge dork. One of the things I´m most mad about regarding my computer is that all my saved webpages is gonna be gone and I had a nice collection of free font webpages saved.
But a part of me thinks it is really cool that I from now on have a business card to hand out to people :)
today, my luck seemed to change, as I was thinking about a quote to write as a "headline/subject" for this entry I stubbled over a new episode of my newly added favorite tv-show Big Bang theory.. so I´m gonna enjoy myself watching that and having fika (swedish tradition/word that should be international), coffe and chocolate chip cookies. And that made me think of my friend Birtta´s words "I believe in Chocolate and garlic" (she really does) so that ended up being my "headline/subject"...
But the reason for the entry was of course to brag about my business cards... :)