In Malaga, again
Okay, I went home and bought a one-way ticket lmost immidiately... and now I'm here again. I was back in Sweden for less than two weeks I think and didn't really do much. Now I'm hoping to be the luckiest person in the world and find a job within a weeks period and get a room for 250€ a month for the start of October. If all that could happen, I would consider myself really fortunate. It's not that I haven't done nothing to achieve a little.
I did actually apply for a number of different media located in Costa del sol, but only the scadinavian ones cared for answering, all the English speaking ones didn't even answered me. One Scandinavian magazine actually wanted an article but after that, I haven't heard much, other than that they are gonna publich it. I don't know if there's more articles to come (even though they did say that they would give me more freelance stuff if they liked the first one) or if I'm getting paid for the one they got (which I do believe but the paper work is gonna take some time).
On Thursday I'm gonna visit the radio, I really hope that I can get an assistent job or something, I don't necessary need to get a high position job immidiately, just to be in the business is my goal for the moment.
Other than the media jobs I have also applied for a teacher job, a secretary job and a seemstress job. Yes, the seemstress job was really a long shot but I thought, it doesn't cost me anything to email. None of those considered me quilified. I guess they are right.
Tomorrow I may go and check a room out that will be avaiable from Oct 1. I think I'm gonna go for that one.
There's a problem uploading pictures on right now.. so I guess I just have ot wait befroe I can post any pictures or update my heading.