Okay, I know I suck at updating but something wierd has happened to my blogs, they don't really work as they should... so I kind of lost the interest in updating.
Nevertheless, today I visited the scandinavian radiostation and we're gonna try to find me a salary. The thing is that there's no money in the media business today. I totaly screwed up when I "choose" my dream job. And right now, I don't really feel that good at it either. But, on the bright side of life, if I manage to bring in some clients to the radio there's gonna be a salary for me. And, we found a room.. it's in an apartment with international students so even if it was kind of dirty (the microwave looked like some torture tool rather than a heating device) I'm gonna feel right at home with students (and again prolong my life as a student even if it was over for like two years ago)
Today I'm gonna do some research for my job on Monday, hopefully it's gonna be longer than a week. If someone has any idea, please tell me!
Written by: Britta
Hade det här varit Facebook så hade jag klickat på "like"! :) Även om jag inte riktigt förstår... du ska alltså ragga kunder åt radiostationen? Hur som helst verkar det som framsteg både med jobb och bostad ju! Heja (som Julia sa när hon fick på sig LIF-tröjan hon fick i 2-årspresent)!