Even though I start my workdas around noon, I'm still tired... I'm using all my strenght to think about creative ways of advertising and wrapping my mind as good as I can around the economic part of it. How long can the programs be, what are they gonna pay for and how much to I need to be able to call this my job.
There's no Fuengirola tonight, I'm just tired. It's tomorrow instead. But now we are thinking about eating out, I don't know if I want to or have the strenght. I should mention, that I am currently sick (with a cold and yes, I see the irony) my nose is giving me a hard time but thanks to 600mg of ibuprofhen, my troath is keeping it real. Just bad luck to get it when I need to be at the tip of my toes or maybe just because of that. I hadn't been outside very much or seeing a lot of different people when I got this "job", a lot of new germs in the atmosphere.
Tomorrow I'm gonna work on selling an idea to get my own show. I'm gonna post more on that development when I know more. But then, every week, you're gonna be able to hear me in the radio...